The Great American Cereal Book The Great American

How Breakfast Got Its Crunch

By Marty Gitlin and Topher Ellis
Published by Abrams Books
© 2011
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Various Datesspacer
Multiple Reviews
December 27, 2024spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. about cereal (Freakies, Cap'n Crunch, Rice Krinkles, Rice Krispies, Sugar Jets, Kix, Crispy Critters), cereal characters, cereal marketing, character voices, cereal prizes, and answers callers questions.
August 9, 2024spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. about cereal, cereal prizes, and answers callers questions.
May 28, 2022spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. about cereal, cereal prizes, and answers callers questions.
July 17, 2021spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. about cereal, cereal prizes, and answers callers questions.
March 14, 2020spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. about cereal, cereal prizes, and answers callers questions.
November 29, 2019spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. about cereal, cereal prizes, and answers callers questions.
July 19, 2019spacerJoe Wants to Know... Cereal
Joe Sibilia's favorite food is breakfast cereal, and it has become a part of Americana. That's why Joe voices his opinions on how cereal is eaten, what cereals are the best, and the worst thing one could do to cereal. Joe talks with Topher Ellis, author of "The Great American Cereal Book" about the history of cereal, the first mascot, and what the marshmallows found in Lucky Charms are made of. (Video Replay Available).
May 27, 2019spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. about cereal and answers callers questions.
November 3, 2018spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. about cereal and answers callers questions.
March 4, 2017spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. about cereal and answers callers questions.
August 18, 2016spacerWXXI Greater Rochester Public Radio
"Connections: Summer of Food - The Decline Of Cereal". Topher Ellis contributes to a conversation with Evan Dawson.
January 28, 2016spacerWNPR - Connecticut Public Radio
"A Tribute to Cereal: Kid Tested, Mother Approved". Topher Ellis contributes to The Colin McEnroe Show.
October 21, 2015spacer"A Taste of General Mills" Podcast
"The Monster Cereals" Topher Ellis contributes to this Halloween cereal-themed podcast.
September 7, 2015spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"The Great American Cereal Book" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. and answers callers questions.
May 7, 2015spacerWNWS-FM Jackson, TN
Topher talks breakfast cereal with Seabass and Keith on "Prime Time Drive".
December 8, 2014spacerNPR - Food For Thought
"Fringe No More: 'Ancient Grains' Will Soon Be A Cheerios Variety" Topher Ellis contributes to Dan Charles' blog.
October 16, 2014spacerTaste of General Mills
"Who says cereals don’t have prizes anymore?" Topher Ellis contributes to Kevin Hunt's blog.
September 13, 2014spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"The Great American Cereal Book" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. and answers callers questions.
May 16-20, 2014spacerBackStory with the American History Guys airing on various Public Radio Stations
Peter and Ed get to grips with the origins of breakfast cereal as a 19th-century health food – with help from Topher Ellis, cereal aficionado and editor of The Boxtop.
December 28, 2013spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"The Great American Cereal Book" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr. and answers callers questions.
November 13, 2013spacer"Take Two" on 89.3 KPCC - Southern California Public Radio
"Whether colorful, whole grain, full of nutrients or full of sugar, cereal holds a cultural connection that goes past the breakfast table" (Radio interview) Topher Ellis talks cereal with Alex Cohen
August 11, 2013spacerWGN Radio 720 Chicago
"The Great American Cereal Book" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis and Marty Gitlin talk cereal with David Plier
August 5, 2013spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"The Great American Cereal Book" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr.
February 12, 2013spacerThe Toronto Star
"Does Sex Cereal, a new breakfast granola, really boost sex drive?" by Josh Tapper
November 26, 2012spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"The Great American Cereal Book" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr.
June 25, 2012spacerThe StarPhoenix
"History of cereals full of crunchy food for thought" by Bob Florence
June 2012spacerSmithsonian Magazine
"Can Technology Save Breakfast?" by Corby Kummer
May-June 2012spacerLifeTimes
"Memories by the bowlful" by Lynn Van Matre, LifeTimes Editor
May 18, 2012spacerThe Big Book Show
Adam Curry interviews Marty Gitlin
April 24, 2012spacerRadio 720 WGN Chicago
Bill Leff and listeners talk about favorite and infamous breakfast cereals with Marty Gitlin
April 19, 2012spacerThe Miami Herald
"Cereal fan’s book tells the story of a breakfast basic" by Lisa Abraham, Akron Beacon Journal
April 17,
"North Olmsted's Marty Gitlin crunches breakfast facts in 'The Great American Cereal Book'" by Joe Noga, Sun News
April 15, 2012spacerTrendHunter Magazine
"Breakfast-Shaped Novels" by Sarah Moore
April 13, 2012spacerPittsburgh 90.5 Essential Public Radio
Marty Gitlin is interviewed by Paul Guggenheimer
April 12, 2012spacerWired - Geek Dad
"Read About The Great American Cereal Book (There’s a Prize Inside)" by Dave Banks
April 7, 2012spacerGood Day Sacramento
Cody Stark and Amy Carabba interview Marty Gitlin
April 4, 2012spacerRead. Eat. Think.
"Cereal Killer"
April 2012spacerReader's Digest
"Name That Cereal" (April 2012 issue, page 25)
April 2012spacerCleveland Magazine
"Cereal Thriller: 'The Great American Cereal Book' digs in to the history of our breakfast staple" by Cyrus Taylor
Spring 2012 spacerOhioana Quarterly
"The Great American Cereal Book: How Breakfast Got Its Crunch" Review
March 27, 2012 spacerCity Book Review
"'The Great American Cereal Book: How Breakfast Got Its Crunch' 5-Stars (out of 5)" Review by Editor
March 26, 2012 spacerThe Atlantic
"New Book on Cereal and Bread" by Marion Nestle
March 25, 2012 spacerBattle Creek Enquirer
"'The Great American Cereal Book' tells the history of the food invented in Battle Creek" by Andy Fitzpatrick
March 21, 2012 spacerThe Vindicator
FOOD digest: "All About Cereal"
March 20, 2012spacerBarnes and Noble Review
"The Great American Cereal Book: How Breakfast Got Its Crunch" a review by Paul Di Filippo
March 13, 2012spacerAkron Beacon Journal
"You won’t read this on the side of the cereal box" by Lisa Abraham
March 12, 2012spacerMiddle-Age Cranky
"Killer Cereals" by Howard Baldwin
March 8, 2012spacerThe Jim Bohannon Show - American In The Morning
"The Great American Cereal Book" Celebrating National Cereal Day Download mp3 (2 MB)
March 7, 2012spacerBuzzbin Magazine
"Eat This Book: Cereal Compendium Is Good, Crunchy Fun" by Douglas J. Guth
March 5, 2012spacerOmaha World Herald
"Love cereal? It's the marketing" by Michael O'Connor
February 27, 2012spacerFox 28 Morning TV, Columbus, Ohio
"Pete Scalia's interview with an Ohio author who wrote a book about cereal".
February 23, 2012spacerPhiladelphia citypaper - A&E - Book Reviews
"The Great American Cereal Book" review by Andrew Milner
February 23, 2012spacerComicMix
"REVIEW: 'The Great American Cereal Book: How Breakfast got its Crunch'" by Paul Kupperberg
February 21, 2012spacerThe OKLAHOMAN - Nerdage
"'The Great American Cereal Book' is sugary nostalgia trip" by Matt Price
February 19, 2012spacerSelectism
"'The Great American Cereal Book: How Breakfast Got Its Crunch' Book"
February 17, 2012spacerQ107-WMQT Radio
"In Jim's Daily Opinion, Friday 2/17"
February 14, 2012spacerDeseret News
"New book takes trip down cereal aisle to extol cold cereals" by Ryan Morgenegg
February 13, 2012spacerTime Magazine - The Culture - Pop Chart
"Read Your Wheaties" by Claire Suddath; Kayla Webley; Megan Friedman; Feifei Sun (February 13, 2012 issue, page 52)
February 13, 2012spacerWBZ NewsRadio 1030
"The Great American Cereal Book" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Morgan White Jr.
February 11, 2012spacerThe News-Herald
"Snap, crackle, pop: Cereal book digs into breakfast staple" by Mark Podolski
February 10, 2012spacer"The World of Work" on public radio station WDVR-FM
"The Great American Cereal Book" (Live Radio interview) Topher Ellis chats with Shep Cohen. Download mp3 (14 MB)
February 09, 2012spacerTaste of General Mills (Podcast)
"Great American cereals" by Kevin Hunt
February 6, 2012spacerWJW Fox 8 Cleveland
"The Great American Cereal Book" (Live TV interview) Marty Gitlin sits down with Kristi and Wayne
February 6, 2012spacerMSNBC - Bites on Today
"5 Discontinued Cereals That Should Make Comebacks" by Topher Ellis
February 6,
"Nerd Breakfast" (Book Review) by CT
February 5, 2012spacerAmericanProfile - Editor's Picks
"'Great American Cereal' Book Review - Celebrating America's long love affair with milky morning manna" by Neil Pond (February 5, 2012 issue)
February 4, 2012spacerA Good Blaster
"'The Great American Cereal Book': A Review" by TheFoodJunk
February 3, 2012spacerWords We Women Write
"Who Cares What You Had For Breakfast? - Marty Gitlin and Topher Ellis, That's Who" by Patty, Toni, Mary, Ronnie
February 2, 2012spacerThe New York Times - Art & Design - Antiques
"Breakfast of Collectors" by Eve M. Kahn (February 2, 2012 issue)
February 2, 2012spacerNYLON - Books
"Book Club: The Great American Cereal Book" a review by Liza Darwin (February 2012 issue)
February 1, 2012spacerIncredible Things
"Mikey Reads It: The Great American Cereal Book" by Jenni Chasteen
January 31, 2012spacerboingboing
"The Great American Cereal Book: exclusive preview" By Mark Frauenfelder
January 31, 2012spacerepicurious (the epi-log)
"The Great American Cereal Book" a review by Esther Sung
January 30, 2012spacerThe Lunch Tray
"Kids and Food, Retro Edition: 'The Great American Cereal Book'" by Bettina Elias Siegel
January 30, 2012spacerMinneapolis St. Paul Business Journal - Morning Roundup
"Saluting Big G's Baron Von Redberry" by Mark Reilly
January 28, 2012spacerThe Wall Street Journal - Visualizer
"Bowls of Nostalgia" (January 28, 2012 issue)
January 28, 2012spacerRetroist
"The Great American Cereal Book: How Breakfast Got Its Crunch" a review by VicSage
January 27, 2012spacerThe New York Times - Bookshelf - Culture, Food
"Snap! Crackle! Pop!" by George Gene Gustines (January 27, 2012 issue)
January 27, 2012spacerThe Hairpin
"American Cereal" By Edith Zimmerman
January 26, 2012spacer Co.Create
"'The Great American Cereal Book' Takes Us Back" by Teressa Iezzi
January 25, 2012spacer Juxtapoz
"New Release: The Great American Cereal Book"
January 25, 2012spacer Philly Food For Thought
"'The Great American Cereal Book: How Breakfast Got Its Crunch' (Review)" by Takia McClendon
January 25, 2012spacer Obsessed Artist
"New Release: The Great American Cereal Book"
January 23, 2012spacer Nomad Editions' Real Eats (iPad magazine)
"Out Of The Box" by Barbara Fairchild
January 23, 2012spacer Branded In The 80's - Overdue Books
"This book will give you a sugary nostalgic high!"
January 18, 2012spacer Non-Sport Update Magazine
"The Great American Cereal Book" a review by Roxanne Toser
January 2012spacerSandbox World
"The Great American Cereal Book"

Contact the Authors:
Topher Ellis
Marty Gitlin

[ Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide ]